Classical Five Element Acupuncture focuses on diagnosing and treating the underlying cause of any symptom, to regain and maintain the good health of your Body/Mind/Spirit.
By treating energy points found in the skin, the practitioner removes any blocks, which may have caused the symptoms in the first place and balances the energy not only of your body but also of your mind and your spirit, thus removing any mental or spiritual blocks, residuals of old traumas and experiences.
In this way, the internal "ecosystem" is restored, empowering Nature to access your own internal healing power, return you to health and maintain it.
Such clearing allows for a deeper and more complete healing of new and old wounds, as well as for the unlocking of your full potential to manifest in your future.
Pictograph: Talisman for Protection and Longevity
The Taoist doctors recognized the human being as an integral part of Nature, being part of the Ecosystem and containing a corresponding Ecosystem within. They observed patterns in the environment, how the seasonal changes affected all life forms, and in this very practical way studied the Laws of Nature.
They applied the gained insights to medicine, adjusted their life and that of their patients to return to harmony with this natural order, much like a farmer or a gardener does. The gardener observes the plants and seeks to understand, why they thrive or why they don’t, then intervenes to correct any imbalance.
To view a person’s energy field as a garden makes so much sense. Each garden needs the loving, caring eyes and hands of the gardener to clear the weeds, cultivate and fertilize the soil, stake up and water the delicate plants, prune and shape the trees and shrubs. Each garden needs to be tended in the right way to produce a healthy harvest, assure new generations, and maintain the natural balance of the Elements.
As an acupuncturist steeped in the Five Elements, I examine and tend to this inner garden and help you maintain it yourself.
"My work in this system of medicine has never ceased to inspire me. Still today I am astounded by the miracle of life, Nature’s ability to change and heal, and to witness how her beauty manifests in every person in a very unique way.”
-Dr. Dirk P. Hein
"Allow yourself to be touched at a level that would not only re-empower you to regain health but beyond that to unfold all your latent potentials for your life."
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Telephone: (206) 324-4097